Most Secondary Students Would...


Most Secondary Students Would Prefer Being in a Mixed School

Alex Rowley
Alex Rowley

01:08 30 Apr 2024

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The majority of Irish secondary school students would prefer all schools to be co-ed.

The findings are within an ESRI report of over 2,000 pupils.

61% of all students in Ireland would like to see every school mixed.

Girls are the most likely to favour a mixed school at 86%, compared to just 77% of boys.

When asked why they would favour a mixed school, the most popular answer given by students was the benefits of mixed socialization.

However, many parents choose to send their children to a single-sex school because they believe it's how their child will get the best grades.

Dr Darragh Flannery from the Univeristy of Limerick has carried out research in this area before.

He said there was "no difference" in academic outcomes in reading and maths among the 15 year olds they studied.

Ireland is second only to Malta when it comes to its proportion of single sex schools, with one third of the secondary student population attending one.

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