Jonah Hill Looks Unrecognisabl...


Jonah Hill Looks Unrecognisable After Incredible Weigh Loss

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

04:21 19 Jun 2017

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Jonah Hill has slimmed down again and he's looking incredible.

The 21 Jump Street star originally slimmed down for his role in Brad Pitt movie Moneyball back in 2011, but his weight has fluctuated ever since then but by the look of the picture below Jonah is looking well.

NO REUSE - Jonah Hill - Slimmed Down


Speaking previously to ABC News Jonah explained how he got in shape saying:

"It was mostly diet," he said.

"I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat and to change my habits and stuff.

"I found that Japanese food was very helpful to me."

Keep it up Jonah!

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