Over 100 New Emoji Get The Gre...

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Over 100 New Emoji Get The Green Light For Late 2020


03:22 30 Jan 2020

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Over 100 new Emoji have been announced.

Some inclusive icons have been added, like a man in a veil and a lady in a tuxedo.

The Transgender flag and icon are also on the list.

Emojipedia's blog says it's to make them more open.

"This addition is part of an ongoing effort to make more consistent set of gender options across the board"

It follows Apple's call for exactly that.

Cute Ones, Handy Ones, Weird Ones.

There is quite a range of options here, some cute and some plain weird.

Creepy crawlies and larger critters are involved too.

Animals range from a woolly mammoth to a baby seal, to a wriggling worm.

While there are bizarre options too, see the human heart.

Appearance Versus Reality

The Unicode Consortium has warned that they might not all look exactly like this.

Each device might have slightly different quirks from one another.

They will roll them out on Twitter, WhatsApp, iOS and Twitter soon.

So When Will We See Them?

The Emojipedia blog says we can expect to see these later this year.

"Expect to see these new emojis on major operating systems in the second half of 2020."

"These tend to come to Android in beta around August, and to iOS and macOS in October or November."

Will you be adding them to your registration plate, like people in Australia?

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