Snake Travels From Australia T...

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Snake Travels From Australia To Scotland In Granny's Shoe

Sean O'Regan
Sean O'Regan

01:57 26 Feb 2019

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A Scottish grandmother returned from Australia to discover a snake curled up inside a shoe in her suitcase.

The reptile - which had traveled the 9,000 mile flight from Queensland to Glasgow - had begun shedding its skin during the journey.

The woman's son-in-law said she had seen a snake in her room in Australia before she left but had thought it was gone.

Paul Airlie told Australian broadcaster ABC News that the grandmother had initially mistaken the creature for a toy.

Scottish SPCA animal rescue officer Taylor Johnstone said:

"I can confirm that we removed a snake from a property in Bridge of Allan."

"I responded to a call from a woman who had just returned from a holiday in Australia who had found a small snake inside her shoe in her suitcase."

"When I arrived, the snake had been contained by the caller, so I safely removed the snake from the property."




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