New HSE Hand Hygiene Posters A...

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New HSE Hand Hygiene Posters Aimed At Schoolchildren


11:28 17 Sep 2020

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The HSE has released new posters aimed at children and teenagers in schools.

They plan to remind young people to wash their hands, and how to do it properly.

There are Irish and English versions of the two colourful posters.

The HSE says that younger kids can catch Covid-19 that isn't as common as with older children and adults.

However it has pointed out that younger kids are at risk of catching other infections because:

  • they tend to sneeze and cough into their hands
  • their immune systems that have not yet had the experience of dealing with many germs
  • they have a lot of contact with each other when playing and learning
  • younger children may suck their thumb, rub their eyes and put things in their mouths.

Infection Professor Recommends "Wash Your Hands Song"

The HSE's National Lead for Infection Control is Professor Martin Cormican.

He says the Wash Your Hands Song (below) is a handy way to encourage children to spend the right amount of time washing.

Prof. Cormican says hand sanitiser should be stored away from small children too:

He told us there's " need for a stop-watch just sing the song and stop when you’re finished singing.

It’s important to tell children that hand sanitiser is good for hands that look clean but you need soap and water if you can see dirt.

Hand sanitiser contains alcohol and chemicals.

So please don't leave it where young children might swallow it and keep alcohol away from flames.”

HSE Dr. Says Proper Hand Hygiene Will Reduce Infections

The HSE's Dr. John Cuddihy has added that teaching proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will reduce infections, not just Covid-19.

"Teaching hand hygiene will help reduce the spread of infections, including COVID-19, in schools and home.

Good respiratory and hand hygiene can help parents reduce the risk of having to stay home from work due to their child’s or their own illness."

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands (Sing to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)

Wash, wash, wash your hands, Play our handy game. Rub and scrub and scrub and rub germs go down the drain (repeat).

Teachers can order additional hand hygiene or cough etiquette posters from the HSE here.

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