Mindfulness Is The Future Acco...

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Mindfulness Is The Future According To New Irish Author


11:10 2 Nov 2021

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New Children’s Author From Cork Flying High In Dunnes Stores

Belinda Murphy from Liscarroll, County Cork is a mother of three children and has recently self-published a mindfulness reading book for children entitled ‘Bella the Butterfly, Mindfulness adventures for Children’.

The book has been available on Amazon online and also in the libraries of Ireland however recently it was launched in Dunnes Stores.

The author stated that ‘having the support and backing of an organisation as powerful as Dunnes Stores is just wonderful’. Families are embracing mindfulness as a means of helping them process mental and emotional imbalances.

We have never been more aware of the importance of our wellbeing than now as we slowly emerge from a global health pandemic.

Mindfulness is all about being present in the here and now and not worrying or stressing about the past or future.

Mindfulness has been adopted in many schools as part of the curriculum and is also used in many corporate environments to help as a stress reduction technique.

Pre-Covid, the majority of Belinda’s business was delivering wellness talks, therapies and workshops in the corporate world with a small part of her focus on children’s wellbeing. As Belinda says ‘once Covid hit, everything changed including my focus.

The wellbeing of my family became number one’.

She shared free mindfulness videos with her toddler daughter Saorla every week for 6 months during 2020 to help other families meander the anxieties and stresses.

The words of Bella the Butterfly book were written in 2012 and Belinda has been operating in this space for the past ten years.

Creating a visual depiction of Bella became crucial to share the tools and techniques to help families and thus she published the mindfulness reading and colouring books in November 2020.

The book incorporates mindfulness, mediation, reiki energy healing, chakra balancing and positive affirmations all to help children balance their thoughts, emotions and overall energy.

The book tells a story of a caterpillar going through change to become a butterfly, told in such a way that the child imagines they are the butterfly after the transformation process.

The illustrations are magical in their portrayal of the transformation process with little elves on each page to guide the child through the hand positions of a full energy balancing treatment.

Consider giving the gift of mindfulness this Christmas and support Irish small business; books are available to buy in Dunnes Stores nationwide and in Limerick at Jetland, Harveys Quay and Childers Road for €9.99.

Belinda shares lots of mindfulness tools and techniques on her social media pages Facebook and Instagram @bellathebutterflylove.

Check out the website for more information here.

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