Claims Donald Trump Wrote His...

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Claims Donald Trump Wrote His Own 'Healthiest Individual Ever Elected' Doctor's Note

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

10:15 2 May 2018

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It's claimed a doctor's letter written for Donald Trump during the Presidential Election campaign was actually composed by Trump himself.

The note which was written in 2015, famously said that Trump was in 'extraordinary' health, while it added that Trump would be the 'healthiest individual ever elected'.

The note was put together in the name of Dr Harold Bornstein, but in an interview with CNN last night Dr Bornstein said that Trump dictated what was to be written into the letter.

"I didn't write the letter," said Bornstein. "I just made it up as I went along."

Dr Bornstein also claimed that his offices were 'raided' by the US President's team, but that has been denied.

"As is standard operating procedure for a new President, the White House medical unit took possession of the President's medical records," said White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Dr Bornstein had been Trump's doctor since the 1980s.

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