Chinese Space Station Likely T...

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Chinese Space Station Likely To Crash To Earth This Weekend

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

10:32 30 Mar 2018

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Tiangong-1 is likely to fall to earth in an uncontrolled descent over the weekend. Officials say the odds of being hit by a piece of space junk are very small.

China’s spiraling space station, Tiangong-1, looks like it will plummet to Earth and burn up in the atmosphere sometime on April 1st though where it will fall is still up for debate.

Not that we needed an excuse for an Aprils fools photoshop joke this one literally landed in our laps, hopefully, it won't though!

ESA’s Space Debris Office has been maintaining a daily blog of Tiangong-1’s altitude, along with the most up-to-date predicted reentry date. The page also links out to ESA’s helpful FAQ page, which gives you all the facts on what’s going on with the station.

Just in case your worried about where it might land.

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