A Ukrainian Refugee Hub Is Bei...

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A Ukrainian Refugee Hub Is Being Set Up At Dublin Airport


01:39 8 Mar 2022

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Ireland expects thousands of Ukrainians to arrive in the country this year. 

The Transport Minister has announced details of a refugee hub being set up for Ukrainians.

It'll be in place at Dublin Airport to welcome refugees entering the country.

At the hub, Ukrainians will be provided with PPS numbers and advice on accommodation.

It comes as the government have tried to make a coordinated approach to welcome refugees from the war-torn country.

Transport Minister Eamon Ryan says details will be provided to those arriving at Dublin Airport.

Ukrainians will be provided with food, water and a health check upon arrival.

Minister Ryan says roughly two-thirds of refugees are staying with family here, but they're helping the others to find homes.

Aside from the hub, many Irish households have pledged to house Ukrainians.

So far 5,869 people have registered their homes to take in refugees from the country.

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Dublin Airport Ireland Refugees Ukraine