Trump Claims Democrats Are 'St...

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Trump Claims Democrats Are 'Stealing' The Election - With No Evidence


07:11 6 Nov 2020

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Donald Trump has again claimed he's won the US presidential race - he's insisting his opponents have tried to "steal the election".

Counts have continued throughout the night, with late postal ballots favouring Joe Biden in several swing states.

President Trump has launched a number of legal challenges, aiming to stop these being counted.

However his legal claim of voting fraud has been thrown out by a judge in Georgia

Speaking in the White House - he claims there's been "a lot of shenanigans" around this election.

"As you know I've claimed certain States, and he's claimed some States."

"So we can both claim the States, but I have a feeling that judges are going to have to rule."

"But there's been a lot of shenanigans and we can't stand for that in our country."

Joe Biden Is Closing In On The White House

Meanwhile Joe Biden is close to winning the White House as counting continues in key states.

The Democratic challenger trails the US President by 1,200 votes in Georgia.

While he is behind by just 18,000 in Pennsylvania, a state where Donald Trump had led by 600,000 votes on Wednesday night.

In the race to 270 Electoral College votes, Joe Biden has 253 to Donald Trump's 213.

So there's no way back for Donald Trump if he doesn't win Pennsylvania and it's 20 Electoral College votes.

Count All Of The Ballots - Biden

Mr Biden told his supporters last night to remain patient and that every single legal vote will be counted:

"In America the vote is sacred."

"It's how the people of this nation express their will, and it's the will of the voters:`"

"No one, not anything else will choose the President of the United States of America."

He says "Each ballot must be counted and that's what we're going to see now, and that's how it should be."

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