Too Much Sleep Could Lead To A...

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Too Much Sleep Could Lead To An Early Death

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

11:55 7 Aug 2018

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A study has linked sleeping too much can lead to a premature death. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has found that more than eight hours sleep a night could be bad for you.

Researchers say data from 3 million people suggests those who get 10 hours are 30% more likely to die early.

But it's also claimed those who don't get enough sleep are more at risk of getting illnesses such as heart disease.

Sleep expert Dave Gibson says it's important to pay attention to your sleep patterns:

"If you're sleeping too much it could be because you have problems with your heart, with your circulation and it could be that you're not exercising enough. It is worth you going to the GP and getting these things checked out."

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