The Notorious And Family Struc...

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The Notorious And Family Struck Down By 'Aussie Flu'

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

02:47 1 Jan 2018

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2017 was a roller coaster year for The Notorious, and 2018 hasn't gotten off to the greatest of starts.

Conor McGregor has revealed that his family has spent the past few days battling Aussie flu.

The 'Aussie Flu' or Influenza AH3N2 is confirmed to be circulating in Ireland.

Doctors are urging people to get the flu vaccine as soon as possible.

According to the HSE, there have been a small number of deaths as a result of the virus in Ireland. 

In an Instagram post, the two-weight UFC Champion told his followers that his planned New Years Eve party had to be cancelled as a result of the virus.

Well that was a wild New Year's Eve. Half the family hit with the Australian flu virus and some even left in hospital with it. I've never even been to Australia wtf. One of the most intense few days I've gone thru. Big New Year's Eve party cancelled at the last minute and I am left shaking in bed the past two days. I'll leave that with the rest of the bad behind me in 2017 and take with me the many great experiences I've had this year! None greater than the birth of my son Conor Jr. and the continued support of my family, my friends and my dedicated staff through thick and thin. Thank you all and Happy new year to everyone! 2018 I may go back to the back pages instead of the front pages again but I have a feeling these journalists now just want me in the obituary pages so we shall see. I will be ready for whatever comes. Be sharp and be fast this year because I am sharper and I am faster. God bless you all and Happy New Year!

A post shared by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on

From an appearance in the boxing ring, to the birth of his son, to a "date night" with Rita Ora as well as a date in a Blanchardstown courtroom, 2017 was eventful for McGregor.

He says that he hopes to "go back to the back pages instead of the front pages again" and that he'll be "ready for whatever comes."

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