Rihanna Thanks Ireland For Our...

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Rihanna Thanks Ireland For Our Charity Contributions

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

06:07 19 Sep 2018

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Rihanna has written an where she details the challenges people in poverty-stricken countries face.

She writes about her trip last year, when she visited Malawi as an ambassador for the Global Partnership for Education and witnessed the impact of the work of GPE.

In this article, she has thanked Ireland for our contributions to world aid.

Rihanna writes "We are grateful for the generous contributions of those such as the EU and France, and countries that doubled their contributions such as Canada and Ireland."




Ireland has contributed to the GPE since 2006, having pledged more than US$84m (€71.9m) in total contributions.

According to the Irish Government, 70% of all expenditure on education is in sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2015, the top recipients of Irish Aid to basic education were Uganda, South Africa, South Sudan and Kenya.

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