Harry Styles Slips On Kiwi Fru...

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Harry Styles Slips On Kiwi Fruit Live On Stage

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

01:32 31 Oct 2017

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Oh, the notions. 

Harry Styles took a slip on stage last night. He was performing at London's Hammersmith Eventim Apollo.

During his performance, he stumbled on a rogue kiwi. Grasping on for dear life to the mic stand, Harry pulled through and cracked a smile.

Given that Harry has a track called Kiwi, we're guessing a fan took it to the gig and threw it on stage.

According to the Evening Standard, Harry told the crowd 'You may have seen me fall earlier during this song. It appeared to be a kiwi. That was the culprit, some green seedy mush. Look there's another – this could end up being a problem.'

Fans were quick on Twitter to remind him that this is not the first time Harry has floored himself live on stage. 


Harry Styles brings his tour to Dublin's 3Arena on April 16th 2018. (We don't recommend you bring kiwis or any fruit.)

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