Armed Teenager Missing In Enni...

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Armed Teenager Missing In Ennis,Co.Clare

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

12:28 1 Nov 2017

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Gardai are advising people not to approach a missing teenager who could be armed with a rifle in County Clare.

19 year old Jack Dinan is believed to be in the Ennis area.

He's under medical supervision and may seem confused or agitated.

Jack was last seen at his house on Considine Road, Ennis at around 10am yesterday morning.

He is described as being 6 foot in height, of slim build with black hair and may have been wearing a grey hoodie and grey spot camouflaged jacket when he left home.

Gardai are advising members of the public not to approach him and to instead contact Ennis Garda Station immediately.

His family are urging him to contact home as they are very concerned for his welfare.

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