TRAILER: Captain Marvel

Movies & TV

TRAILER: Captain Marvel

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

02:31 18 Sep 2018

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Marvel has just released the first trailer for upcoming movie, Captain Marvel

There's been quite a lot of anticipation surrounding this movie, especially since the ending of Avengers:Infinity War. This movie will play a big part in what's going to happen in the next Avengers movie. 

The trailer shows Brie Larson as Carol Danvers for the first time. The movie takes place in the mid 90s, when Carol already has her powers. She has left Earth to go and join a team called Starforce, and it's led by a character played by Jude Law. 

Captain Marvel gets caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races. She forms an ally in Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) however, she falls back to Earth and battles Skrulls as they invade the planet with Tanos at the head of it all. 

Captain Marvel is due out in 2019. 

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