Maisie Williams Talks About Th...

Movies & TV

Maisie Williams Talks About The Game Of Thrones Finale

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

12:24 21 Feb 2018

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Maisie Williams knows the ending of Game of Thrones and she isn't afraid to boast about it. 

She popped in to have a chat with Jimmy Kimmel about Game of Thrones and her latest movie, Early Man. 

Maisie revealed that she was supposed to be in America for a week, but her trip has been cut short a day early so she can get back to filming Game of Thrones. 

Jimmy quizzed her on how many episodes there are in the final season. 

'I know how many there are. But, I don't know if I'm allowed tell you guys how many there are'. Jimmy joked that she lives her life in constant fear of spilling details about Game of Thrones that she shouldn't be telling. 

Maisie has revealed that she knows the end of the show, and said that she hasn't told anyone except her mum, who asked her for the scripts. 

There are reports that there will be multiple fake endings shot for the show, as a way of preventing spoilers and leaks. Jimmy said that the president of HBO made the call. 

Maisie said 'Well, I heard this and I immediately thought, I don't think we've got the budget to shoot lots of different endings'. She even got a small dig at President Trump in there. 'But as we know, sometimes presidents don't always tell the truth'. 

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