Cara Delevingne has ditched her beachy, girl-next-door blonde for a very striking hue that's part platinum, part silver, part Storm from X-Men. It certainly makes for a change, and, of course, she can pull ANYTHING off, but we were just always so envious of her natural-looking blonde, we kind of miss it.
To go with the bright hair colour, she's also gone for the chop. If you go in the platinum, white-blonde direction, a healthy chop is always advised. Not only will it be better for your hair's condition, it's just often easier to pull off a shocking blonde if you keep it above or on the shoulders.
No doubt, countless fans of Cara's will be getting in line at their hairdressers for a similar look. Remember the work involved in maintaining this level of blonde, the necessary home-care and, of course, don't go near this unless your stylist is using Olaplex or something similar, ensuring your own hair will be well protected.
What do we think, yay or nay?