P!nk Hospitalised Ahead Of Syd...


P!nk Hospitalised Ahead Of Sydney Concert

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

09:09 7 Aug 2018

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P!nk has had to cancel an additional concert in Sydney, Australia due to a gastric virus. 

Live Nation took to twitter to announce the reason for the cancellation of the concert writing, ''Pink was admitted to hospital in Sydney on Sunday night, suffering from dehydration. She was treated and discharged. She was readmitted to hospital today and diagnosed with a gastric virus. Pink will remain in hospital overnight, continuing her treatment and recovery.''

P!nk has yet to respond but did retweet Live Nations tweet. 

She had cancelled her previous Sydney concert due to an upper respiratory infection and photo's had been taken off her relaxing on the beach with her daughter leading fans to believe perhaps the singer wasn't sick at all. 

P!nk took to Instagram to set the record straight after the pictures had been released and you can read more about that .

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