James Corden Wants The Spice G...


James Corden Wants The Spice Girls For Carpool Karaoke

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

08:09 16 Mar 2018

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James Corden has told the world what he wants, what he really, really wants. 

When we think back to the wonderful segment that is Carpool Karaoke, it's hard to think of a superstar that hasn't been a passenger in James' car. However, there's one iconic group that we're all forgetting and thankfully James isn't letting us forget. 

Speaking to Baby Spice herself on her show on Heart radio, James told Emma that he wants the Spice Girls to take part. 

James admitted 'I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. I  want to go in that car and remind the world, the entire planet, how unbelievable those songs are.'

Not only would it be EPIC, James reckons he could challenge Kim Kardashian and break the internet. 

'And I think it would break the internet... it's an open door. And just to be clear as well, this is not the first time that this has come up.'

Emma seems on board. She replied 'Right girls, come on!'

This isn't a throwaway comment. James revealed that he's already tried. 

'There's been endless phone calls that have already been made.'

Now we just need to convince Posh Spice...

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