The Latest WhatsApp Update Cou...

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The Latest WhatsApp Update Could See Your Messages Being Made Public

SPIN South West
SPIN South West

10:28 29 Aug 2018

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The latest WhatsApp update seems to be a bit dodgy.

Most of use the messaging app to message friends, family & work colleagues. 

Our favourite thing about the app was the security of the end to end encryption of messages. Making your messages secure. Now the latest update has changed that with free backups from Google. Which sounds cool but breaks that encyrption! 

Luckily for iPhone users, it is only Android users that are affected however, as they have Google Play services installed on their phones and are signed up with a Google address.

The company's help page makes it very clear that messages are not protected, saying: "Important: Media and messages you back up aren't protected by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption while in Google Drive."

If you wish to delete the backups, You can delete backups by going onto Google Drive and going into the 'manage apps' setting.

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